3 Options if You’re Missing a Tooth

A missing tooth is a problem for a variety of reasons. When a tooth is missing, the other teeth in the mouth may shift position to fill the gap. In addition, a missing tooth can be an aesthetic problem. If you’re missing a tooth, there are things your dentist in Newport, TN, can do to fix the problem. Below, we’ve listed three types of prosthetic teeth that can help you with this issue.

1. Bridge

A bridge is a prosthetic tooth that’s held in place with a crown on either side. To install a bridge, the teeth on either side must be shaved down to fit the crowns. Bridges look natural and are maintained much like your natural teeth. To ensure that a bridge looks like it belongs, your dentist will choose a bridge made from material that’s colored like your natural teeth.

2. Single Implant

A single implant is a prosthetic tooth that’s implanted in and fused with the jaw, just like your natural teeth. Dental implants in Newport, TN, are indistinguishable from your natural teeth, and when an implant is installed, no one can tell the difference between your implant and your real teeth.

3. Removable Partial

A removable partial is a denture that replaces multiple missing teeth. Partials are held in place with wires. At the end of the day, a removable partial is taken out to be cleaned and to give your mouth a break. Removable partials look natural, but, because they can be removed, they don’t function exactly like your normal teeth.

If you’re missing a tooth, don’t wait to get help. The faster you can correct the problem, the better off you’ll be. Call Westmorland Cosmetic & Family Dentistry today to make an appointment.

What’s an Implant? An FAQ  

Dental implants are one of the most effective and desirable types of prosthetic teeth available. If you’re missing a tooth, or even multiple teeth, you may be a good candidate for implants.

Your dentist in Newport, TN can help you determine whether dental implants are right for you. Below, we’ve listed some of the most common questions patients have about implants.

What’s An Implant?

An implant is an artificial tooth that includes a part that’s been fused to the jaw. Of all the types of prosthetic teeth you can have, implants are the most realistic.

Why Should I Get An Implant?

If you’re missing a tooth, you may run into the following problems:

  • Aesthetic impact on your smile. A missing tooth can leave a gap that makes you feel self-conscious.
  • Shifting teeth. Teeth automatically shift to fill in gaps, which can leave your teeth out of alignment.
  • Poor digestion. Gaps in your teeth can make chewing more difficult.

Getting an implant can fix these problems.

Am I A Good Candidate For An Implant?

To be a good candidate for a dental implant, you’ll need to have good oral hygiene and sufficient bone mass to support the dental implant. Your dentist can help you determine whether you’re a good candidate.

Do Implants Look Natural?

Yes, implants look natural. In fact, your implant will be capped with a dental crown that’s designed to look like your natural teeth. Your dentist will even choose a crown that’s the same color as your other teeth, so no one can tell the difference.

Are you interested in implants in Newport, TN? Call us at Westmorland Cosmetic & Family Dentistry to find out more about implants and how they can help you.


Critical Reasons You Should Get Dental Implants 

Many are driven to replace their missing teeth for fear of being judged on their appearance. While this can be a reason to increase your smile and your confidence, missing teeth pose a much larger issue for your oral health and the structural integrity of your mouth. The team at Westmoreland dentistry of Newport, TN are the leading local experts in teeth replacement options and can resolve the myriad issues that come with the need for dental implants.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a wider term that focuses on tooth replacement strategies. There is a common misconception that teeth are replaced similarly. Depending on your situation, missing number of teeth, and other diseases that may be present – there are better options available that will drastically increase your quality of life.

Reasons You Should Consider Tooth Replacement

Here are three reasons why you may want to consider tooth replacement.


Chewing and Bite Issues

Every tooth has a functional role within your mouth, regardless if only one is missing. Teeth must be replaced so that you are not drastically shifting the way you chew your food, and do not need to stop eating and drinking the foods that you enjoy.

Pain Management

Missing and damaged teeth present a large problem, as usually most avoid using those teeth. This means that an entire section of your mouth will not be in use for fear of pain in that localized area. Even if a single tooth is missing, it can cause drifting teeth or pain in adjacent areas.

Progressive Diseases and Injury

Bone loss and deteriorating structural integrity within the mouth are common with missing teeth, as there is less, or no, support structure.

Your Newport, TN Dental Experts

Don’t let missing teeth interfere with your smile, confidence, and quality of life. During your appointment with the Westermoralnd Dentistry team of Newport, TN they will recommend the best course of action for your unique situation.