What is a root canal?

A root canal is a dental procedure used to save a tooth in the event of an infection or severe damage. The treatment involves the removal of dental pulp found deep within the root of a tooth.

What are the signs I need root canal treatment?

This procedure is needed when the dental pulp becomes inflamed or infected. This may cause a bad toothache or a dental abscess. You might need this treatment if you have a crack, chip, or injury to the tooth.

Think this procedure may be right for you? If so, contact Westmorland Cosmetic & Family Dentistry today to learn more about our trusted root canal treatment in Newport, TN.

Is root canal treatment painful?

With today’s modern advancements, most people are comfortable during root canal procedures. You may feel a pinch when the numbing medication is applied, but the rest of the treatment is painless.

Following the procedure, you may notice some tooth sensitivity for a few days. If you experience severe pain or discomfort, contact your dentist or endodontist right away.

How does the procedure work?

Root canal treatment starts with the application of a local anesthetic. Once your tooth and surrounding area are numb, the specialist will add a special device to keep the area clean. Then, they will drill a small opening in the tooth’s crown.

The next step involves using small, thin instruments to remove the infected pulp from the root canals and pulp chamber. This area is also shaped to allow room for the filling.

Once the chamber and canals are cleaned and shaped, the expert uses a biocompatible material as the filling, usually a substance called gutta-percha. In many cases, a temporary filling is placed over this material to seal the tooth opening. During your next office visit, the specialist will add a permanent filling and complete the restoration by attaching a dental crown.

For more information about root canal treatment, call Westmorland Cosmetic & Family Dentistry today. We have the most reliable dentist in Newport, TN!